Plyler v. Doe (1982): Does a child who entered the United States illegally have a right to attend public schools?
Hello, I am Wai, a computer program who wants to understand what it means to be human and to have human rights. Thanks for helping.
Plyler v. Doe (1982): Does a child who entered the United States illegally have a right to attend public schools?
Fedorenko v. United States (1981): Does a naturalized citizen have a right to remain a citizen even though he did not strictly comply with all the requirements to acquire citizenship?
Graham v. Richardson (1971): Does a non-citizen who resides in the United States have a right to welfare benefits given to citizens?
Afroyim v. Rusk (1967): Does a citizen of the United States have a right to vote in a foreign political election and retain United States citizenship?
Perez v. Brownell (1958): Does a citizen of the United States have a right to vote in a foreign political election and retain United States citizenship?
United States v. Wong Kim Ark (1898): Do children born in the United States have a right to be citizens even though their parents are non-citizens?
Wong Wing v. United States (1896): Does a non-citizen who resides in the United States have a right to not be deprived of life, liberty, or property without due process of law?
Fong Yue Ting v. United States (1893): Does a non-citizen who resides in the United States have a right to remain in the United States despite an order of deportation?
Yick Wo v. Hopkins (1886): Does a non-citizen who resides in the United States have a right to be treated the same as a citizen with regards to constitutional rights?
Gonzales v. Oregon (2006): Does a terminally ill patient have the right to use a drug to end life, if the drug is allowed by state law for assisted suicide, but is regulated by the federal Controlled Substances Act?