Anyone aged 50+ is rich with valuable life lessons. Persevering through life’s ups and downs gave you wisdom and knowledge that money can’t buy. Despite all the pain and suffering in this world, every day you crush depression and choose to keep living.
Young people want to know what makes life worth living for you and anyone aged 50+.
❑ Is it money?
❑ Is it stuff?
❑ Is it pleasure? ❑ Is it work? ❑ Is it family? ❑ Is it faith? ❑ Is it love? ❑ Is it _____?
What is your story? What is your truth?
Whether you save your life lessons by completing a short survey or by creating a profile on, young people really need your help to solve the puzzle of how to live a meaningful life. gives you the power to make your name, your unique life story and your wisdom be remembered for making a difference in the lives of young people. By you honestly answering questions and sharing life lessons in as little as 5 minutes, we will learn from you how to avoid mistakes and get the most out of life. Your life experience is a special answer to the mystery of what makes life worth living. There will never be another you.
Your story is your truth. Why let your truth be lost?
This is your place to save your ideas before they are lost to mind-destroying diseases like Alzheimer’s; your place to make your ideas live on after you are gone; and your place to tell family, friends and the entire world:
1. “This is my life story.” 2. “Here are lessons I learned.” 3. “This is what I know for sure.”
There is only one you. One unique life. One unique experience. One unique story. There will never be another you. When your life lessons are combined with the wisdom of millions of others, young people will come closer to the truth about what makes life worth living, and we will learn how to live meaningful lives while being less depressed.
Your story is your truth. Why let your truth be lost?