Privacy Policy & Terms of Service

Privacy Policy & Terms of Service

Privacy Policy: Except for login information like your password and for contact information that you privately share with me, Maria C. Watkins, everything on is intended to be shared with the entire world. The whole point of the site is to gather life lessons from experienced adults and share that information with young people everywhere. This is not a site for information that you want to remain secret. So, only put information on that you are ok with the entire world knowing. Don’t put any information on the site that you don’t want the entire world to know. Don’t put anything on the site about anyone else that you believe they would not want the entire world to know. The best way to protect your privacy is to share information anonymously. However, life stories and life lessons are more believable if you share your name. So, I am hopeful that you will choose to share your name and use as a permanent record of your life experience and life lessons for the benefit of young people in your family, young people in your community and young people everywhere.

Terms of Service: is not for entertainment and it is not just a place to pass the time of your precious life. I am trying to solve the puzzle of what makes life worth living and learn how to live a meaningful life. So, you agree to only tell the truth and to never lie when you share life lessons either through a survey or through a profile page. My main responsibility is to keep going for as long as possible and to analyze the life lessons shared so that young people can learn how to get the most out of life. I don’t plan to sell any information about anyone, but I am open to having sponsors. If there is something wrong on, you agree to contact me, Maria C. Watkins, so I can try to fix it. A time may come when adults require me to write a complicated Privacy Policy and a complicated Terms of Service. But for now, I want to keep everything simple. You agree to tell me if you object to anything in the Privacy Policy and Terms of Service and to suggest ways to make them better.

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Cookies: uses cookies to make the site work well and to give you the best experience. I hope it is ok with you. If you have any objections to cookies, you agree to tell me, Maria, about your concerns. I love cookies because they help to ensure that each person only takes the survey once, so the data is more reliable and I can get closer to the truth about life. If you keep using you are agreeing that you love cookies too, or are at least ok with them, and that you won’t disable cookies in order to take the survey more than once. Thanks.