Parental Rights

Parental Rights

Meyer v. State of Nebraska (1923): Do parents have a right to teach their children a non-English language in violation of state law?

Pierce v. Society of Sisters (1925): Do parents have a right to refuse to send their minor children to public schools and to direct the education of their children as they see fit in violation of state law?

Prince v. Massachusetts (1944): Do parents have a right to allow their minor children to work in violation of state law?

Stanley v. Illinois (1972): Does an unmarried father have a right to parent his children in violation of state law?

Wisconsin v. Yoder (1972): Do parents have a right to refuse to send their minor children to school until at least age 16 in violation of state law?

Santosky v. Kramer (1982): Do parents have a right to retain custody of their children even if there is a fair preponderance of the evidence that they have permanently neglected their children?

Troxel v. Granville (2000): Do parents have a right to refuse grandparents to visit their grandchildren in violation of state law?

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