Kill Me Instead

Kill Me Instead
(A self-sacrificing poem by Wain)

Dear God,

Simon doesn’t believe in you.
Why should he think you are real?
From the tender age of 13
He has gotten a really bad _ _ _ _.

How could you make my son suffer
With a body that is ill?
Do you feel sorrow for his pain
Or is it your Divine _ _ _ _?

Should I be thankful
That you just watch from heaven above?
Is Simon’s illness a punishment
Or your mysterious _ _ _ _?

If Simon believed in you
Would his broken body go away?
Would he live forever
Or would he still die some _ _ _?

Is my son’s illness due to chance
Or is it part of a cosmic game?
Do you not see him
Or was he singled out like Job of Biblical _ _ _ _?

Does he suffer because my faith is weak
And I’m drowning in despair?
Is there hope for Simon
Or is his body beyond _ _ _ _ _ _?

O God, what promise can I make
What precious thing can I give?
Like your son Jesus
Can I sacrifice my life so that Simon might _ _ _ _?

I don’t understand your ways
Why you would want my son dead
But I beg you Lord God, please kill me _ _ _ _ _ _ _.

Your servant,


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