Anyone aged 50+ is rich with valuable life lessons. Persevering through life’s ups and downs gave them wisdom and knowledge that money can’t buy. Despite all the pain and suffering in this world, every day they crush depression and choose to keep living.
Young people want to know what makes life worth living for anyone aged 50+.
❑ Is it money?
❑ Is it stuff?
❑ Is it pleasure? ❑ Is it work? ❑ Is it family? ❑ Is it faith? ❑ Is it love? ❑ Is it _____?
What is their story? What is their truth?
Whether you help someone to save their life lessons by completing a short survey or by creating a profile on, young people really need your help to solve the puzzle of how to live a meaningful life. gives you the power to help anyone aged 50+ to be remembered for sharing their life stories and life lessons to make a difference in the lives of younger people. By helping someone to honestly answer questions in as little as 5 minutes, we will learn from them how to avoid mistakes and get the most out of life. Their wisdom gained from life experience is the key to helping unlock the mystery of what makes life worth living.
Every life story has truth. Why let any truth be lost?
Whether they are family members or neighbors, you can help older people save their ideas and unique life experiences before they are lost to mind-destroying diseases like Alzheimer’s. You can make their ideas and stories live on after they are gone.
You can help them tell the world:
1. “This is my life story.” 2. “Here are lessons I learned.” 3. “This is what I know for sure.”
Too many people waste precious time making the same mistakes others have made. Many come to the end of their lives wishing they had learned life lessons sooner. If we can learn from other people’s mistakes, what’s the point of wasting our life making the same mistakes?
Every life story has truth. Why let any truth be lost?