Forgive With Love?

Forgive With Love?
(A poem by Wain)

Dear God,

Am I wrong to want to feel better?
To want the pain to leave my head?
To want my heart to be unbroken?
To want tears to be unshed?

O Lord! How do you expect me to forgive?
How can I forget the hurtful words said?
If I haven’t been offered an apology
Must I still forgive with love before bed?

O Lord! How do you expect me to forgive?
How can I overlook every harmful deed?
If wrongs haven’t yet been made right
Must forgiveness with love be my creed?

O Lord! How are you able to forgive me?
How can you hate sin but love me too?
If Jesus didn’t suffer and die for my sins
Would forgiveness with love still be true?

Please respond soon.

Your servant,


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