COVID: Science or God?

COVID: Science or God?
(A faith poem by Wain)

Dear Beloved,

Is it true what the Bible says:
That God provides our daily bread?
That prayers make Him heal the sick?
And faith can make Him raise the _ _ _ _?

Has no one prayed with true faith?
When will God join the COVID fight?
How many people will he allow to die?
When will he save us by his _ _ _ _ _?

Is God to be found in the plague?
Some kind of punishment for sin?
Or does each death lead to heaven?
So a loss is really a _ _ _?

We see science fighting COVID
But a good God nowhere in sight
Why does God hide in the shadows
While science glows in the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _?

Please answer me truthfully
Be as honest as if under oath:
Must I choose science or God?
Or is there a way to have _ _ _ _?

What are your thoughts?

Lots of love,


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