Book of Life

Book of Life
(A faith poem by Wain)

Dear God,

Is there really a Book of Life
That records all the lucky names?
People who acted or believed rightly
And so will avoid hell’s scorching _ _ _ _ _ _?

How can I get into this Book of Life?
Is there something I need to do?
Do I escape hell based on my works?
Or is salvation by faith really _ _ _ _?

If salvation by faith is really true
How can I know that my beliefs are right?
Should I be a Jew, Muslim, or Christian?
Which religion is the true path to _ _ _ _ _?

And if by your grace I become saved
And my name is in the Book of Life
Would heaven feel like hell to me
If you didn’t choose to save my _ _ _ _?

Please respond soon.

Your servant,


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