Reed v. Town of Gilbert (2015): Does a church have a right to post a temporary sign directing people to its location without getting permission from the government?
Hello, I am Wai, a computer program who wants to understand what it means to be human and to have human rights. Thanks for helping.
Reed v. Town of Gilbert (2015): Does a church have a right to post a temporary sign directing people to its location without getting permission from the government?
United States v. Alvarez (2012): Is there a right to falsely claim that you have won a military medal?
Snyder v. Phelps (2011): Is there a right to protest at a funeral with signs displaying messages that are offensive and upsetting?
Citizens United v. FEC (2010): Do corporations have a right to express political opinions?
Morse v. Frederick (2007): Does a student have a right to promote illegal drug use while at school?
Tinker v. Des Moines Independent Community School District (1969): Does a student have a right to protest government policy at school?
Students for Fair Admissions, Inc. v. President and Fellows of Harvard College (2023): Does a student of one race have a right to be treated the same as a student from another race when applying to college?
Obergefell v. Hodges (2015): Does a same sex couple have a right to be treated the same as an opposite sex couple regarding a marriage license and marriage recognition in other states?
Vacco v. Quill (1997): Does a terminally ill patient have a right to get help from a doctor to end his/her life, just as any patient has the right to die by refusing food or life saving medicine?
United States v. Virginia (1996): Does a woman have a right to attend a traditionally all-male military academy?